ROCK accepts online referrals for children and youth, between the ages of 0 and 17, who reside in Halton
and are seeking mental health supports and services. All ROCK services are voluntary and free of charge.
ROCK takes great care to protect the privacy, confidentiality, and security of all personal information we
collect to support the delivery of care.
To better coordinate the support and care of child and youth services, ROCK is collaborating with three
other service organizations to provide a ROCK database (Woodview, PAH!, Radius). This database is the
electronic pathway for referrals, communications and collaborating on care between the participating
organizations. The personal information gathered through this form and it the future, is the information
kept in this database.
Additional information about ROCK's information and privacy practices is available on this website
Please select the option that best represents you. If none of these options apply, please contact the
ROCK's Access Line at 289-266-0036.